Koma - A Text Adventure Mac OS

The 'text' in text adventure refers to the primary means of controlling the game (text). Text Adventures can be as retro or as modern in their graphic style (and text style), as you want them to be. Treasures of Hollowhill by John Blythe. How To Play Text Adventure Games. Play this game to learn how to play text adventure games. Dunnet is a surreal, cyberpunk text adventure written by Ron Schnell, based on a game he wrote in 1982. The name is derived from the first three letters of dungeon and the last three letters of Arpanet citation needed.It was first written in Maclisp for the DECSYSTEM-20, then ported to Emacs Lisp in 1992. Since 1994 the game has shipped with GNU Emacs; it also has been included with XEmacs.

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Version1.1 (2014)

The Z-machine is a virtual machine that was developed by Joel Berez and Marc Blank in 1979 and used by Infocom for its text adventure games. Infocom compiled game code to files containing Z-machine instructions (called story files or Z-code files) and could therefore port its text adventures to a new platform simply by writing a Z-machine implementation for that platform. With the large number of incompatible home computer systems in use at the time, this was an important advantage over using native code or developing a compiler for each system.


The 'Z' of Z-machine stands for Zork, Infocom's first adventure game. Z-code files usually have names ending in .z1, .z2, .z3, .z4, .z5, .z6, .z7, or .z8, where the number is the version number of the Z-machine on which the file is intended to be run, as given by the first byte of the story file.[1]

This is a modern convention, however. Infocom itself used extensions of .dat (Data) and .zip (ZIP = Z-machine Interpreter Program), but the latter clashed with the widespread use of .zip for PKZIP-compatible archive files starting in the 1990s, after Activision closed Infocom. Infocom produced six versions of the Z-machine. Files using versions 1 and 2 are very rare. Only two version 1 files are known to have been released by Infocom and only two of version 2. Version 3 covers the majority of Infocom's released games. Later versions had more capabilities, culminating in some graphic support in version 6.

The compiler (called Zilch) that Infocom used to produce its story files has never been released, although documentation of the language used (ZIL, a Lisp-family language similar to MDL) still exists, and an open-source replacement[2] has been written. After Mediagenic moved Infocom to California in 1989, Computer Gaming World stated that 'ZIL ... is functionally dead', and reported rumors of a 'completely new parser that may never be used'.[3] In May 1993, Graham Nelson released the first version of his Inform compiler, which also generates Z-machine story files as its output, even though the Inform source language is quite different from ZIL.

Inform has become popular in the interactive fiction community. A large proportion of interactive fiction is in the form of Z-machine story files. Demand for the ability to create larger game files led Nelson to specify versions 7 and 8 of the Z-machine, though version 7 is rarely used. Because of the way addresses are handled, a version 3 story file can be up to 128K in length, a version 5 story can be up to 256K in length, and a version 8 story can be up to 512k in length. Though these sizes may seem small by today's computing standards, for text-only adventures, these are large enough for elaborate games.

During the 1990s, Nelson drew up a Z-Machine Standard[4] based on detailed studies of the existing Infocom files.


An implementation of Frotz running on an iPhone, playing Zork I.

Koma - A Text Adventure Mac Os 11

Interpreters for Z-code files are available on a wide variety of platforms. The Inform website lists links to freely available interpreters for 15 desktop operating systems (including 8-bit microcomputers from the 1980s such as the Apple II, TRS-80, and ZX Spectrum, and grouping 'Unix' and 'Windows' as one each), 10 mobile operating systems (including Palm OS and the Game Boy), and four interpreter platforms (Emacs, Java, JavaScript, and Scratch). According to Nelson, it is 'possibly the most portable virtual machine ever created'.[5]

Popular interpreters include Nitfol and Frotz. Nitfol makes use of the GlkAPI, and supports versions 1 through 8 of the Z-machine, including the version 6 graphical Z-machine. Save files are stored in the standard Quetzal save format. Binary files are available for several different operating systems, including the classic Mac OS, Unix-like systems, DOS, and Windows.[6]

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Koma - A Text Adventure Mac Os Catalina

Frotz was written in C by Stefan Jokisch in 1995 for DOS. Over time it was ported to other platforms, such as Unix-like systems,[7]RISC OS,[8] and iOS.[9] Sound effects and graphics were supported to varying degrees. By 2002, development stalled and the program was picked up by David Griffith. The code base was split between virtual machine and user interface portions in such a way that the virtual machine became independent from any user interface. This allowed more variety in porting Frotz. One of the stranger ports is also one of the simplest: an instant messagingbot is wrapped around a version of Frotz with the minimum IO functionality creating a bot with which one can play most Z-machine games using an instant messaging client.[10]

Another popular client for macOS and other Unix-like systems is Zoom. It supports the same Quetzal save-format, but the packaging of the file-structure is different.[11]

See also[edit]

  • Glulx – Similar to the Z-machine, but relieves several legacy limitations
  • Inform – A computer language that can produce Z-machine programs
  • SCUMM – Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion by LucasArts, a graphical system similar to Z-machine
  • TADS – Like Glulx, made to address some of its limitations
  • Motorola 68000 series – The base architecture used for virtual machines in Magnetic Scrolls' adventure games


  1. ^'The Z-Machine Standards Document'. inform-fiction.org. Retrieved 26 March 2018.
  2. ^McGrew, Jesse. 'ZILF'. zilf.io. Retrieved 22 November 2020.
  3. ^'Inside the Industry: Infocom's West Coast Move Stirs Controversy', Computer Gaming World, p. 10, September 1989
  4. ^'Inform - ZMachine - Standards'. inform-fiction.org. Retrieved 26 March 2018.
  5. ^Nelson, Graham. 'About Interpreters'. Inform website. Retrieved 2009-11-07.
  6. ^'if-archive/infocom/interpreters/nitfol'. Retrieved 2016-10-29.
  7. ^'Frotz README file on Gitlab'. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  8. ^'The RISC OS Frotz Home Page'. 1999-09-18.
  9. ^'Frotz on the App Store'. App Store.
  10. ^'Frotz DUMB file on Gitlab'. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  11. ^'Logical Shift Zoom'. Retrieved 2016-10-29.

External links[edit]

  • Learning ZIL at the Wayback Machine (archived August 7, 2010) (PDF) is the Infocom ZIL manual from 1989
  • Description of ZIP at the Wayback Machine (archived March 9, 2012) (PDF) the Z-Language Interpreter Program (Infocom Internal Document) from 1989
  • How to Fit a Large Program Into a Small Machine describes the creation and design of the Z-machine
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Z-machine&oldid=1020913411'
  • Single User License

    With this license you can only use Visionaire Studio as a single indie developer. You will be able to compile your games for Windows, LINUX, iOS, Android and Mac OS X.

  • Team License

    With this license, Visionaire Studio may be used by multiple developers who belong to your team. It enables you to compile games for Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android.

  • Mobile License

    The MOBILE-License allows you to commercially distribute your games in mobile markets (iOS Store, Google Play). With this license Visionaire Studio may also be used by multiple developers who belong to your team.

  • Education License

    With the education version we give educational institutions (like universities) the opportunity to use Visionaire Studio as part of their teaching program. The games can be compiled, but may not be sold.

  • Distribution License

    Games which are developed with this license can also be distributed physically without any further costs and limitations on all available platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS und Android).
