Jumpy (Neelpuntambekar) Mac OS

Jumpy (Neelpuntambekar) Mac OS

Jumpy (neelpuntambekar) Mac Os X

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Turns out that OS X will start all devices in parallel. While this can make the system start up faster, it might not be such a good idea for devices interacting with one resource, in this case, the PS2 port. I've tried adding additional keyframes so that the blur fades away in the smallest possible increments right before going to 0%, and it's still really sudden and jumpy looking. I've even removed the blur effect all together, and then re-added it in a separate effect track just to see if that would make a difference. In OS X and on the Team Fortress 2 menu screen the mouse is perfectly fine. Not jumping and warping whatsoever. But when playing the reticule and view jumps. OneDrive App on MAC OS In my institute, we are migrating from Box to OneDrive only. Out of the goodness of my heart, I downloaded the OneDrive App on my MAC and is devastated to find out that, I can only see things in my files.

My GF recently got AutoCAD 2011 on her new Mac, and while it performs admirably in all other aspects, using AutoCAD 2011 could be smoother. As it is now, the cursor is really jerky whenever a mouse button is pressed (e.g. to select objects with a selection rectangle) or when drawing stuff, like lines, splines, polylines etc. It's like it's snapping randomly to non existent objects, or just plain jumpy (both with the track pad and an external mouse). It reminds me a little of how resizing a window was in the early days of OS X.
Now, this is a MacBook Air 13' so I initially thought that the somewhat weak CPU could be the cause but it turns out it's not CPU limited at all; AutoCAD uses 10% CPU, tops, and there's plenty of spare CPU cycles (like 70-80%, at least). The graphics chip in the Air should be more than enough, after all, this is only for relatively simple 2D-drawing, and AutoCAD supports lesser graphics chipsets.
Anyone else using AutoCAD on Mac OS X that has experienced similar issues, and has resolved them some how?


The jumpy and stickiness is almost gone when I use the mouse mac os x, but the mouse feel alot smoother when I use it in bootcamp win xp (while having my monitor unpluggedmy monitor won’t bootup in winxp for some reason).